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Cormac Marnell

Straight off the boat from Dublin Ireland, this dirty dub hails from the South side in Ballinteer. Cormac began playing music in 2010 as one of the founding members of The Locals and then The Auld Locals. Cormac made a name for himself in the Boston pub scene and  went on to open up for The Saw Doctors as well as playing every major Irish Festival in New England. Cormac performs on the 5 string Guitar, banjo, tin whistle and harmonica as well as lead vocals.

Sally MacLennane - Boxty
Dave Bowman

Dave Bowman hails from Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Cape Cod and has had an interest in Irish traditional music for nearly a decade. Skilled on the tin whistle, the mandolin, octave mandolin and tenor banjo Dave lends a diverse range of talents to the folk stylings of the band. Dave is a capable singer who likes to perform classics like "The Handsome Cabin Boy" and "Tom Dooley".

The Handsome Cabin Boy - Boxty
Mike Clarke

Rednecks come in all shapes and sizes but Mike Clarke comes in the size of a slim pickin' bass and guitar player that hails from the middle of nowhere New Hampshire. A multi instrumentalist that has spent time exploring 80's synth music!? Mike soon gravitated towards Folk music where he lays down that solid rythme for the rest of the band to follow.

I'm On Fire - Boxty
Howie Tarnauer

Howie Tarnauer is the old head in the group. An incredibly experienced musician who has crossed paths with many legends within the bluegrass game. His deep and long connection with the Cantab led him to cross paths with the likes of Billy Strings, Molly Tuttle and Yonder Mountain String Band to name a few. Howie is a teacher, a mentor but most of all a great mandolin and banjo player.

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      Caitlin Leary      


        Phone:   (781) 258 - 1203

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